Orange Cream Cake – Paleo Recipe — Steemit

Orange Cream Cake – Paleo Recipe — Steemit

Found this great looking recipe from
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Orange Cream Cake – Paleo Recipe — Steemit:


Olá meus amigos steemians!

Hoje temos Bolo com Creme de Laranja! Já fiz esta receita imensas vezes para familiares e amigos. Todos gostam, e pedem sempre para repetir. É um bolo muito fácil de fazer e não demora muito.

Vamos à receita!


Hello my steemian friends!

Today we have Cake with Orange Cream! I have done this recipe many times for family and friends. Everyone likes it, and they always ask to repeat it. It is a very easy cake to make and will not take too long.

Let’s go to the recipe!



Ingredientes para a base:

  • 8 ovos grandes
  • 4 a 5 colheres de sopa de açúcar mascavado
  • 100g de fécula de batata
  • 1 colher de chá de fermento

Preparação da base:

  • Separar as gemas das claras e bater as claras em castelo.

    Bater bem as gemas com o açúcar mascavado, adicionar a farinha peneirada com o fermento.

    Envolver as claras no preparado anterior.

    Levar ao forno 10 a 15 minutos, numa forma grande e rectangular forrada com papel vegetal. Fazer o teste do palito.

Ingredientes para o creme:

  • 80g de manteiga
  • 4 gemas de ovo
  • Sumo e raspa de uma laranja grande
  • 2 a 3 colheres de sopa de coco ou de açúcar mascavado

Preparação do creme:

  • Levar ao lume a manteiga, o açúcar, o sumo e a raspa de laranja.

    Mexer bem até a manteiga derreter. Retirar do lume e juntar as gemas em fio, mexendo sempre. Levar novamente ao lume até engrossar. Deixar arrefecer.

Montagem do bolo:

  • Cortar o bolo em duas ou três partes. Rechear com o creme de laranja entre as camadas. Polvilhar com coco ralado.



Ingredients for the layer cake:

  • 8 large eggs
  • 4 to 5 tablespoons of brown sugar
  • 100g of potato starch
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder

Directions for the layer cake:

  • Separate the yolks from the egg whites and beat the egg whites.

    Beat the yolks well with the brown sugar, add the sifted flour with the yeast.

    Wrap the whites in the previous preparation.

    Bake for 10 to 15 minutes, in a large rectangular mold lined with parchment paper. Take the toothpick test.

Ingredients for the cream:

  • 80g butter
  • 4 egg yolks
  • Juice and rasp of a large orange
  • 2 to 3 tablespoons coconut or brown sugar

Directions for the cream:

  • Bring to the boil the butter, sugar, juice and orange zest.

    Stir well until the butter melts. Remove from the heat and add the egg yolks, stirring constantly. Bring to the heat again until thick. Allow to cool.

Assembly of the cake:

  • Cut the cake into two or three pieces. Stuff with the orange cream between the layers. Sprinkle with grated coconut.


Jeannie notes.. Above is curated for evaluation and recommendation from

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Orange Cream Cake – Paleo Recipe — Steemit

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